A Few Great Places to Find Arabic Learning Materials

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
In my travels, I have found other blogs that talk about learning Arabic and some even provide excellent Arabic Learning Materials. I’ve saved up a small list of such blogs and some other resources and thought I’d share. Insha’Allah you will find inspiration from these blogs and your children will benefit from the excellent materials that are shared.
Access to Qur’anic Arabic
This blog provides access to different levels of Arabic, from beginners to Advanced levels. The lessons are prepared by an Arab instructor to help us understand the language of the Qur’an.
This blog is in both English and another language (not sure which one – sorry!). However, you should be able to easily find the Arabic Learning Materials.
This blog is actually in Turkish. However, the materials are easily used by someone who does not speak Turkish – just browse the site and you will find many useful materials for teaching your child, insha’Allah. The sister who started this blog does speak English – so if you have any specific questions, feel free to leave her a comment.
This sister just sent out a notice today that she is putting her blog into English – to share the Arabic Learning Materials. Jazak Allah Khair sister!
You can find her new blog here: Islamic Homeschooling
This blog has many wonderful teaching ideas and materials for teaching your child Arabic. The blog also has good ideas for teaching Islam and other topics. Plan to stay a while – if this is you first time to visit her blog.
Talibiddeen Jr. Companion Blog and Talibiddeen Jr.
Both this sister’s blog and her website have awesome materials for homeschooling mothers to use. She has a wide array of materials for learning Arabic and Islamic Studies all the way to Mathematics and Language Arts. If you only have enough time to visit one website – her’s is definitely one I would recommend.
This sister’s blog also has Arabic Learning Materials. Her blog also has useful information on homeschooling.
There are some wonderful Arabic vocabulary cards found on this blog. I really love searching around this site, masha’Allah.
This sister also has Arabic Learning Materials – as well as ideas on how to use some materials by other people. Good ideas, masha’Allah.
There are a few Arabic learning materials and some ideas for teaching Arabic here.
You can find some nice Arabic Learning Materials here as well as ideas for teaching a younger child Arabic.
I have really enjoyed a lot I have found on this blog. Take a look at the Arabic teaching ideas and learning materials.
I don’t think they are updating this blog anymore – too bad, it was a good resource, masha’Allah. However, they do have some Arabic materials here.
While there are not any Arabic Learning Materials on this blog – at least after scrolling for three pages I couldn’t find any 🙂 However, look closely at the pictures of activities that she has done with her children. She makes everything bilingual – and sometimes trilingual (Arabic – English – Japanese). It should give you some good ideas at least, insha’Allah.
This is not a blog – but a good resource for those learning/teaching Qur’an. Teaches the Qur’an – word for word.
Here you can find games that people have made for learning Arabic. Nice selection, masha’Allah.
These books are the Palestinian curriculum in Arabic. For those of you who can speak Arabic but don’t have access to materials – you can use these, insha’Allah.
These books are the Saudi curriculum in Arabic. For those of you who can speak Arabic but don’t have access to materials – you can use these, insha’Allah.
Do you have a blog that shares teaching ideas or materials for children learning Arabic? Please forgive me for overlooking it. Please let me know and I will add you to this page, insha’Allah.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh,
mashallah sister, you shared a “small list” with us 🙂 no, you did such a great work – don’t know how to thank you for this! May Allah bless you for all your efforts!
Salaam alykum
I noticed that you have some links to websites with different resources. I would like to suggest my webiste Palmtree Books which focusses on Arabic books for children. If you could have a look and if you feel it appropriate you could include it. Meanwhile thanks, in any instance,
Ramadan Kareem,
Innes Shaheen