Ramadan Craft – Ramadan Windsock

Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Today we broke out the craft materials and decided to see what we could come up with. We’ve had materials to make a windsock for some time now, but never got around to making them. So, today we decided to combine our craft materials to make a Ramadan Windsock.
While we normally associate Ramadan with colder weather – lately it has been during the summer so what better way to announce the beginning of Ramadan with a windsock? Here’s a picture of the final windsock:

The funny thing is – while taking a picture of the windsock, I decided to hang it in the house because it was starting to get dark outside. Little did I know that my little one was greatly fascinated by the hanging windsock – who knows, perhaps it will stay in the house as a Ramadan decoration and we will have to make another one for outside.
By the way – I was thinking that this would also make a neat little “Eid Mubarrak” craft as well. Anyway – for directions on how we made this windsock, click here.
I hope you and your family enjoyed this as much as we have!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
Assalamu Alaikum,
Beautiful creation, masha Allah. Will have to try it soon, insha Allah and willlet you know, insha Allah 🙂
Ohhhhh…I love it….very cute idea!!!!
Great idea! I can’t wait to try with the kids inshaAllah! JazaakAllah;-) Nice blog Alhamdullilah.