Motivating Your Child to Read Qur’an in Ramadan (or anytime)

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
This Ramadan we are using the Qur’an Challenge I made a few years ago for the kids. I am hoping it will motivate them to practice Qur’an more. So, you might ask – what in the world is the Qur’an Challenge?
Essentially, I got the idea from our local library. Every year they ask the kids to read books at at the end of the summer they are awarded prizes for reading. My kids loved this (even though they read all the time). So, I thought – why not use this to motivate the kids to read Qur’an? I made a booklet similar to the one we received from the library – but instead the kids have to log time spent reading Qur’an.
After so many days of memorizing Qur’an or reading Qur’an – you can give your child a small prize. Sometimes we even just awarded the kids with special activities with mom or dad – like sewing, crafts, going to the park, etc. Then, at the end of the “competition” you can give your child a larger prize for staying close to the Qur’an.
Insha’Allah it will inspire your children as it has inspired mine. They really enjoy this activity! Oh – and as I said in the title of this blog post, it really can be used at any time of year. However, since Ramadan is a time to encourage our children to read Qur’an, I thought I’d share it with you.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK