Learning Thankfulness in Ramadan

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
I was listening to a lecture today that spoke about the lessons of Ramadan (which are many, masha’Allah) – and the speaker specifically spoke about parents. I was thinking that no matter how imperfect my family was – I am fortunate to have them, alhumdulilah. We are truly blessed.
The kids and I are working on completing our new Ramadan Bulletin Board which includes a section on thankfulness – and one of the things the kids said they were thankful for was their parents, alhumdulilah. So, to make a long story shorter (I know that seems unlikely from me) – I wrote the following song for the kids. I was not only thinking of my parents – even though they weren’t Muslim – but also the type of parent I hope that I can be, insha’Allah.
Mother and Father
When I wake up in the morning
The first thing that I see
Is Mommy and Daddy
Smiling down at me.
Their eyes are shining brightly
Their cheeks are rosy pink
They gently fold me in their arms
I’m fortunate I think.
Thank Allah for all I have
For all their love and care
My mother and father
Are always in my prayers.
For they do love me for who I am
They take good care of me
They help me strive to do my best
On the path they’ve guided me.
My father tells me stories
Of days long ago
Of Prophets and Miracles
Of lessons to behold.
I listen oh so quietly
To the words that he does speak
I know that he is guiding me
Towards the truth that I must seek.
Thank Allah for all I have
For all their love and care
My mother and father
Are always in my prayers.
For they do love me for who I am
They take good care of me
They help me strive to do my best
On the path they’ve guided me.
Each night as I lay down to rest
My mother prays for me
She holds me gently in her arms
And whispers quietly.
She asks Allah to help me grow
strong in faith and wisdom so
that Jannah will be my abode
‘cause my Mother does love me.
So thank Allah for all I have
For all their love and care
My mother and father
Are always in my prayers.
© Yemenlinks.com, 2011
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
Salam alaikum, I feel so sad and happy to read this post.
Firstly, I feel that it was written by me…the words I would say to my family.
Secondly, what a tribute to the love of a daughter, mashaAllah.
Ramadan Kareem to you and your!
Mashallah that is a beautiful poem! I have been planning to make a picture book for toddlers along the same lines, though I was thinking to expand it to thanking Allah for everything.
My parents weren’t Muslim, either. May Allah grant us success in raising pious children!