Ramadan Learning Wall

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
In the past we have made Ramadan Bulletin Boards – each a little different. I don’t know exactly why – but aside from the first one we created ages ago, we have always forgotten to take pictures of our boards. This year we expanded things quite a bit – we actually took up an entire wall in the house – you can imagine my husbands surprise when he came back from a business trip and saw it for the first time: “Masha’Allah, you guys have been busy!”
Unlike previous bulletin boards / learning walls that we have created before – this one focuses more on making a lesson from building the board. So, instead of just putting stuff up before Ramadan and talking about it later – we made each section of the Ramadan Bulletin Board a lesson and what we came up with during those lessons (what we learned) became what we posted on the board. That’s why it was impossible for us to post this at the beginning of Ramadan – the wall was a blank slate.
The board was divided up into the following different topics:
Build Character
Helping Hands
To find out how we created the different sections of the board and what discussions prompted our answers,please click here.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
Mashallah, I always love reading your site. This is one of my favorite site and it gives me lots of motivation too. It’s amazing how you come up with ideas. Where did you get the Tashahud paper. Did you typed it yourself or from a web. One of my daughter also have hard time memorizing it. She mixed up. If possible can I have a copy of it.
Umm Ahmad
Mash Allah Sumayyah!! This is amazing!! Good job.
Mashallah, yes this is amazing. Thank you for inspiring me in educating my four kids. I still need to learn a lot more ^_^
Masha Allaah, this is really nice!! Where did you get the salah & wudu steps from? They would be really helpful teaching my son.
Masha Allah! That looks lovely, I’m trying to get ideas together to start with my children before Ramadhaan is upon us!
Wow…you have some wonderful resources on your blog, tabarak’Allah.
salaam sis. mashallaah this looks great! unfortunately i cant open up any of the info.please help! jazaakillah
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
You need a pdf viewer in order to see the materials. You can find these available online, inshaAllah.
Asalaam ‘Alaikim,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK