Free Printable Eid Decorations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
We’ve been working on making decorations for Eid this year and we are trying to make the house a bit more colorful. In the past we mostly hung paper chains with homemade paper famous and streamers. This year we are trying to be more colorful and sophisticated (what can I say, my kids are growing up). Not only are we printing off decorations – we are also making many as well. So, this should be interesting.
I wanted to spread the Eid cheer with everyone, so I am making available ALL OF THE DECORATIONS I have designed – FREE FOR YOU TO PRINT AND ENJOY (for personal use only).
I think you will agree (when you make them) that they turn out pretty nicely, masha’Allah. This is definitely one of those moments when I wondered why I didn’t think of this before.
Anyway, I not only designed a large fanous pattern (in several colors and styles), I also designed a page with two smaller fanous. I also designed paper chains to link with them, a standing card decoration that says Eid Mubarrak and small flags that you can use to decorate cupcakes with or use as gift tags.
You can put the tags on pencils as small gifts to give at the masjid to spread Eid cheer.
You can also use the tags on gifts to make it more personal:
All of these items are made in the same styles and colors – and there are many other styles than what you see here – so that you can really color coordinate if you enjoy that. It should make any Eid party quite festive, insha’Allah.
You can find all the decorations here:
Free Eid Decorations
The kids are busily cutting out the designs and making them as I am writing this – they are thoroughly enjoying it. My younger child is making an easier set of decorations to show of artistic skill as well. This way, younger children don’t have to be frustrated that they can’t cut as well as their siblings, insha’Allah. Anyway – I hope you and your families enjoy these.
Please let others know about this – spread the cheer, insha’Allah!
It would absolutely thrill me to know that people are using these and brightening up their homes, schools, and parties a little during Eid. I know (at least for me) how hard it is to make Eid special – especially for those of us who do not live in the Middle East during this time of year. So, by all means – decorate away!
If you do end up making the decorations – please let me know how it turns out. If you have a blog, please share pictures of how it turns out and let me know – I may link to you 🙂
I’m really excited about this one, masha’Allah.
Insha’Allah you will enjoy using these as we have – and may they fill your home with Eid cheer!
This Eid you can have your cake and eat it too!
From my heart to yours,
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
as salaamu alaykum. jazakillahu khayr for sharing this!
Jazakallah Khairun for sharing the eid decorations. May Allah reward you for your effort.
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Jazakallah khayran!! Thank you so much for sharing…
Eid Mubarak!
MashaAllah!!! May Allah reward you!!
These are amazing, we hang balloons, and made paper chain links, also are about to make a piñata but this link has been a great help!!! JazakAllah Khayer!!!!
I will repost and let everyone know over at Homeschooling Muslimah Mommies on facebook and on my blog. I’m sure many mommies will be greatful
I love these decoration, especially the lantern. May Allah reward you.
May Allah bless all your efforts, & the kids too.
Thanks for sharing.
Jazakallah khair!! These are lovely decorations and look so easy to make. Insha Allah my children and I will try to do some of these. May Allah swt reward you for your good deeds!
Assalamu alaykum siter
Mashallah your ideas are such cute and i print out everything, even it is no Eid for now.
I use the lanterns in my daughters room with indoor lights, so its usable all year long.
Jazakallahu khairan
sister Zaynab
I love these and will use them for my first grade classroom.
I am already preparing for Ramadan, i am due with our fourth child around Eid so InshAllahgettting everything ready now!!!
SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS SITE MASHALLAH. I am very creative and love to make things but its nice to get ideas elsewhere too!
This are wonderful, tabarak’Allah.. thank you for sharing!
Mashallaah absolutely love u decorations! Inshallaah can’t wait to start printing some of these, thought i will try to start to prepare a little early this year! One Ques tho why do u spell Mubarak with double ‘r’? Jazaakillaah khair for sharing.
Assalaamu alaikum
Jazakallah khair for the great ideas.
InsyaAllah I can try to do these ideas this year, as my kids and I enjoy crafting together and getting into the spirit of things.
My favorite is the lanterns.
_julina from NZ
Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
Sorry – I’m glad you picked up on that. I am a native English speaker and my Arabic is limited. I am sharing what little knowledge I have – insha’Allah it will benefit someone. I made the changes and now the decorations only have one ‘r.’ Jazak Allah Khair for taking the time to let me know – I greatly appreciate it!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
Aswkm WRWB.
Masha allah Sis, this is soooooooooooooo adorable n cute!
Love love love this for the kids. I know my daughters will be excited.
Jazakhallahu khairun for doing this!
May Allah swt reward you immensely for these beautiful printable Eid decorations. Ameen.
Thank you for sharing this, I am picking so many things from your blog. I just want to let you know that we appreciate your effort, there is not too many things like this in internet, You are very special….
Eid Mubarak from London
Asalaam ‘Alaikum Zaynab:
I’m so glad you liked them, masha’Allah. My girls are “girly girls” and they really love stuff like that. I thought of them when I made them (but I provided colors for boys too!) We made other decorations for Eid – a hanging mobile with paper shapes – and we liked it so much we keep it year-round. We are actually making a new one for the little one!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
not clear this is for a school project were doing about eid and its jsut not clear whenu print out!
Simply go here:
Choose what theme you want to use for your decorations. You can choose the designs you color yourself or pre-made designs. Select a design – if you want to print a banner – select banner – right click and select “print”. That’s it. You can choose to print all of the items or just some of them. I hope this helps!