More Free Printable Eid Decorations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone:
I know – it is not Eid yet. Don’t worry – I haven’t lost track of time. As hectic as last year was – I have not lost my mind. . . yet 🙂 Anyway, I wanted to post now – and get it out of the way so that I can focus on worship during this blessed month – and I know many of you will not be online either. I am hoping to start posting again once Ramadan is over, insha’Allah. I have a lot to share. You haven’t gotten rid of me yet, masha’Allah.
On to business:
Last year I added my Eid Decorations to the website. After making them – I realized that I made a few mistakes. Despite the fact that I am normally a perfectionist (I hate to admint it) – I just was too tired last year to fix them right away. Yep, being a homeschooling mom takes that perfectionist streak right out of you – either by lack of desire or lack of time – and sometimes both. So, I have been working for a while now on fixing all of the mistakes I found.
First of all – on all of the Banner Decorations – I noticed that when you hang them (I did so after uploading all the files to the website) the words showed “Eid Mubarak” on one side and the other side did not make sense (it was backwards). So – I have fixed that on every file I have put on the website. The new banners should now say “Eid Mubarak” properly on both sides when you hang it up, insha’Allah. Alhumdulilah!
You can find all of the Eid Decorations here.
When you get a chance – check out the Eid Decorations – there are new items – and see if you can share some of that Eid Spirit with your family and friends this year. Let me know if you end up using the decorations and how they turned out. I’d love to hear your response!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK