Have you heard about Noor Kids?

Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
I don’t know if you’re like me – but I’ve been so busy with the housework – keeping the kids in line – chasing the baby – and all my little projects that I have not heard of Noor Kids before. However, back in August – I was fortunate to come across another Muslim sister’s blog:
After browsing her website – I recommend you take some time to look around (lots of interesting information) – I found that she was currently running a contest and the giveaway was Noor Kids Children’s Book Pack. Seeing as my not so little one was feeling down about not being the baby anymore – I thought, “what a great time to let her know how special she is to me.” So, I signed up for the contest in hopes of making it a wonderful Eid gift – all for her. Imagine my surprise when I found out I had won! Trust me, she was excited too!
What is Noor Kids, you might ask?
Noor Kids is a 28-page, full-color, print book that is delivered to your home every three months (four times a year). The books feature games, activities and Islamic inspired stories for three to eight year olds.
Anyway, we received the package a while later and my little one just loves it. Here’s what we received:
The titles are: “Noor Kids Discover their Blessings” – “Honestly Speaking” – “Noor Kids go to Hajj” -and “School is Out for the Summer.”
I should admit that her older siblings love reading it too! She enjoys reading the books with me or the older kiddos – and she also just loves taking it out and looking at the pictures.
Each book has illustrated moral stories with discussion suggestions to teach your child, and other fun activities such as puzzles, Islamic knowledge, lessons in Arabic, a coloring page or two and even recipes!
If you are interested in learning more about Noor Kids – you can view a FREE SAMPLE of one of their magazines online at:
Noor Kids
I really think it is a great product – great stories – fun activities – good morals – and professionally produced. Anyway – I hate to keep a good thing all to myself – so I wanted to make sure I let you all know about this wonderful magazine. I know how hard it can be to find good products to share the beauty of islam with our children – insha’Allah you and your family would enjoy this as much as we have.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK