What do you recommend?

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
I couldn’t help but add one last post for the day. I just received a message on one of the homeschooling groups about a new blog that just started (or perhaps it has been around a while and I just didn’t know about it.) Either way, I think it is a great idea and wanted to spread the word.
Want to check it out? Here’s the link: Islamic Bulletin Boards
Who knows, perhaps I will just have to add a link from time to time for a blog or website that I think is really neat – isn’t if fun to share?!
If you have any websites, blogs, etc. that you just can’t live without – do a favor for your other brothers and sisters in Islam – share it! Let me know if you have anything we should add to our list – for Arabic learning, Islamic Studies, Islam, or anything else you think is beneficial. Jazak Allah Khair in advance. When you get a chance – check out the like above – you’ll be glad you did.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA
As Salaamu Alaykum, Alhamdulilah you are back! I have been watching for you to post again, and now you have!! I am so happy that you have also found IBB, the blog is up and files will start being posted as they are done insha Allah. Jazkallahu Khair for posting the blog on yours! *smile*
Asalaam ‘Alaikum Dearest Umm Abdul Basir:
Alhumdulilah I am back – I have missed it for so long, masha’Allah. I love your blog and look forward to using the materials. So far I have just browsed around, but it looks great! Masha’Allah, I am so happy when I find such useful materials available for the masses – may Allah reward you both greatly for the work you have done.
Asalaam’ Alaikum,
Hi there,
browsing your very useful yemenlinks.com website I found a link that has stopped working, due to Yahoo shutting down the GeoCities web platform recently. The link is in the “Arabic Writing” section and entitled “How to write the Arabic Alphabet”. It links to http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Inlet/7299/Alfabet.html
You might want to consider linking to my site here instead, which provides an easy introduction to the Arabic alphabet:
I agree on the benefits of sinlibg relationships through homeschooling. My 4 children are 6 and under, so they’re still pretty little. However, if my children were in public school, my oldest 3 would already be in preschool and kindergarten. They would be split up from each other the entire day.Instead, they’re here together and enjoy playing together all day. My prayer for them is that they will genuinely be best friends for life.