Jewel of Muscat
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
A while ago I received
a request to share the following link:
This is an amazing website – and an amazing endeavor. The website has videos, photos and information on the reconstruction of a 9th-century Arab ship, and its historic voyage from Oman to Singapore. The neat thing is that this adventure is happening now! Don’t miss out – The Jewel of Muscat has begun the second part of its voyage from Oman to Singapore, sailing from Cochin in India to Galle in Sri Lanka.

About The Jewel of Muscat site:
This website has been launched by the governments of Oman and Singapore to cover the construction and voyage of a 9th-century Arab sailing ship.
A team of experts has built the Jewel of Muscat in a specially constructed shipyard on the beach in Qantab in Oman. They are using a range of historical sources, including archaeological findings from the ‘Belitung Wreck’, including the Tang Treasure, which was discovered in 1998 in Indonesia waters.
The ship has been constructed with the methods available to 9th-century Arab craftsmen. The planks have been sewn together using coconut fibre, and the square sails will be made of plaited palm leaves.
Once constructed, the ship set sail on an historic journey from Oman to Singapore.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA