Ramadan Lessons, Crafts and Activities

Asalaam’ Alaikum:
There are some wonderful sites available out there with lesson plans, craft ideas and other activities to teach your children about Ramadan. We haven’t added a lot to the materials available over the years – unfortunately – you still find many of the top sites listed under “Ramadan” are sites more geared towards non-Muslims learning about Ramadan.
However, with that being said – quality is definitely more important than quantity. I truly love this one – and return to it often (click on picture below):
It has the most wonderful activities, lessons and resource materials. Masha’Allah this sister has done an excellent job.
I also have Ramadan lesson plans, craft ideas and information about the Ramadan Bulletin Board I created for my kiddos. You can find them on my website (click on picture below):
This year I also created a Daily Ramadan Journal for older children. With assistance, it can also be used for younger children, insha’Allah. You can find it here:
Here are some other websites that have Ramadan lessons:
Ramadan for Younger Children
Kiddy House Ramadan
Here are some blogs that have Ramadan lesson plans, craft ideas, and activities. If you don’t find the activities right away – search around – you will find them, insha’Allah.
A Muslim Child is Born
Umm Abdul Basir’s
Ummi Homeschools Me
Handmade Beginnings
Raising Muslims
Ramadan Planner Family
Sugarcake Diary
Muslim Homeschool in America
Here are some Ramadan Crafts:
Artists Helping Children
And finally, here is one of my previous blog posts during Ramadan:
Sorry, if I have overlooked you! If you have anything to add to this list – please add a comment and I will add it to my list, insha’Allah.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA
Masha Allah! A very good collection of sites and links for teachers. May Allah give you ‘Taufeeq’ to write more at related topics helping not only homeschooler muslim moms but Islamic school teachers as well!
Thank you for the suggestions. There’s some more good free Ramadan coloring pages for kids at http://www.thecolor.com/Category/Coloring/Ramadan.aspx