Create Your Own Eid Decorations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
This past Eid I quickly put together some Eid decorations for the girls to make themselves. I don’t know about your kids, but my children love to help out with the decorating – and get disappointed when they can’t always do all the tasks. This is one easy way to involve your children in Eid decorating – it’s safe (no dear, you can’t climb that ladder to hang the streamers) – it’s fun (yes dear, you can decorate the house this year) – AND they get the chance to tell ALL YOUR GUESTS that they made the decorations (well, perhaps most of them).
I created two sets of decorations. One set is for younger children – it has easier shapes to color in and even for those toddlers who want to join in the fun – they can scribble away. The nice thing is – no matter their skills – it always turns out pretty nice, masha’Allah. The other nice thing about these decorations – they are only in black and white. Since they do not require color printing – it is easier to make your house look festive – and save money on ink! Click on the link below to find the decorations for younger children:
These decorations include the following in several
different designs for your child to create:
- a banner that says “Eid Mubarak”
- a stand-up table card decoration that says “Eid Mubarak”
- a large famous & 2 mini-fanous that say “Eid Mubarak”
- paper strips to make chains to hang the famous
- small gift tags or cupcake flags that say “Eid Mubarak”
The other set is for older children – and may even be enjoyed by adults. It has nice designs to color and you can either color them in different styles or create your own matching colored sets. They really turn out nice, masha’Allah – and you can’t beat the satisfaction your children (or you) feel after finally hanging them up. The hard part will be getting them to agree to take them down, mash’Allah. Click on the link below to find the decorations for older children (or those still young at heart):
These decorations include the following in several
different designs for your child to create:
- a banner that says “Eid Mubarak”
- a stand-up table card decoration that says “Eid Mubarak”
- a large famous & 2 mini-fanous that say “Eid Mubarak”
- paper strips to make chains to hang the famous
- small gift tags or cupcake flags that say “Eid Mubarak”
Insha’Allah these decorations will bring some joy into your homes and help you to enjoy the festivities. By the way, if there are any teachers out there listening – why not let your students decorate your classroom this Eid?
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK