Eid Decorations Review (Part One)

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
Many of you may have heard about the free printable Eid Decorations we put together for you, but many may have not actually seen them yet. They are rather simple to assemble – and will easily make any party or home more festive for Eid, insha’Allah. If you’re having a party for Eid – or a celebration at the masjid – why not bring some decorations along to share in the Eid spirit?
I decided to take pictures of the different designs to show you what they look like, insha’Allah. Here are just two of the designs – and I will try to share a few more with you before Eid, insha’Allah. If you can’t wait until then – feel free to browse through the files and look at the designs we have available on our website:
Yemenlinks Eid Decorations
The following Eid Decorations are in the Pretty in Pink Design:
In the following pictures you see the Pretty in Pink Eid Decorations. The Eid Banner was printed much smaller than the original. This would be a good size if you want a smaller banner. The larger banner (full size) is great for hanging in a dooraway. If you want a mini-banner like this one, simply print two to a page.
In this picture you can see the mini-fanous, the cupcake flag, standing card decoration and various small gifts with their “Eid Mubarak” tags.
We used the gift tags for small individual gifts (note paper, pens, a bottle of bubbles) and also for treats like this trail mix with candy pieces. It’s a great way to personalize any gift.
The following Eid Decorations are in the Tree Design:
In the following pictures you see the Tree Design Decorations. This Eid Banner was also printed much smaller than the original. This would be a good size if you want a smaller banner. The larger banner (full size) is great for hanging in a dooraway. If you want a mini-banner like this one, simply print two to a page. The pictures also show the large and the mini famous, the gift tags and the Eid Mubarak standing card decoration.
Above you can see a clearer picture of the Eid standing card decoration. You also see the cupcake flag served with an individual piece of cake and another flag used as a gift tag for a cute bottle of bubbles (shaped like an ice cream).
I used the gift tags/cupcake flags in various ways. I wrapped the gift tags around some pencils to give as a small gift for children. I also put trail mix and fish crackers into plastic wrap – tied them with ribbon and attached the “Eid Mubarak” gift tags to them. I also attached the gift tags to several small gifts for the children as well.
These are just 2 of the designs we have for Eid Decorations (we have 14 designs all together) – and all decorations are completely free, alhumdulilah – for you and your family and community to enjoy, insha’Allah. I will try to show you a few of the other styles in the coming days, insha’Allah.
May Allah fill your Eid with much joy and blessings
~ for you and your family ~
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK