New Printable Arabic Letter Form Writing Worksheets (Part 2)

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
Well, it’s time again for another upload of the New Arabic Writing Worksheets. I’m trying not to make you wait too long – but it takes a while to make these (especially with the kiddos getting waaaay too excited when Mommy gets distracted, if you know what I mean!) Masha’Allah – it’s not too bad, but our little one loves to climb – get into things – draw on anything he can find – climb some more – take things out – put things in – take them out again (and never where they belong) . . . It sometimes makes me laugh to think how busy he keeps himself, masha’Allah!
Anyway, I have finally completed the Arabic Letter Forms for Jeem, Haa, and Kha. If you have not seen the worksheets for Alif, Ba, Ta, and Tha – please check out my previous post here:
New Printable Arabic Letter Form Writing Worksheets
Here is an example of what the pages for the beginner worksheets look like:
I currently have the following files:
What you see in the above examples are just a small part of what I have made. These are the beginning writer set. I have also made another set of writing worksheets for more advanced writers – to help them write the letters on their own – showing only how to write the letter at the top of the page. I have made another set that shows how to properly write the letters on the line. The links to these and the beginner pages are below each picture.
So far I have completed Alif through Kha. I hope, insha’Allah, you will find them useful. If you do – please let others know about it – teachers, homeschooling parents, students – anyone!
I always strive to do my best to create useful materials.
If you have something to share, please give feedback!
Unless I have something MORE EXCITING to share – my next post in a 2 weeks (or sooner). It should be another “Do It Yourself” project to share the love of Arabic with your children. I am sure you will love it – so stay tuned, insha’Allah!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
bravo pour votre partage, sincèrement je vous remercie de tout coeur,je suis maman d’un enfant autiste et vous ne pouvez pas savoir à quel point des documents pareils peuvent servir,baraka ellahou fiki wa jazaki.
En espérant très bientôt la suite des autres lettres,merci encore mille fois……..
Assalam u Alaikum
Jazaki Allah Khayr for all your wonderful resources! Love them MashaAllah!
Assalamualaikum, i’m from malaysia and i just found out about this website which is very useful because we operate a hifz school and we print all resources from this website…really looking forward for alphabet dal until ya for this writing worksheet because it is very useful..thank you, wassalam
jazakallah, for all the materials, i have been using them recently for the newes group of little children of Rahma Mercy in Albania, Elbasan.
Salamu ALaykum and may Allah reward you for the excellent work.
I pray for you and your parents! Jazakum ALlah Khairan BUT KEEP IMPROVING!