Author: admin

Unit Studies: Apples

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I mentioned last time that we worked on a unit about Apples. Essentially, I did a search for activities / crafts / lessons and resources (videos / websites / etc.) about Apples. Then, the kids and I would do a project a day – learning more about apples and we also would read...

Everything is not Always What it Seems

Everything is not Always What it Seems

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Last year we had a nice vacation in San Diego. In fact, it was our second visit there – we liked it so much the first time. Of course, when we got there, our favorite place to visit was Sea World in San Diego. We really enjoyed our visit and to tell you...

Sorry We’ve Been So Quiet!

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: I hope this post reaches everyone in the best of health and iman. I know that things have been so quiet over here (which is really irregular for me – if you know me, you will agree!) We’re still adjusting to our new addition – Ayah. She’s now 4 months old and...

Book Recommendations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: As I’m sure you’ve heard before – we are voracious readers in our house (at least I am and the kids are following suit, insha’Allah). Since we have been visiting the library mostly on a weekly basis – practically since the girls were born – I thought I’d share my favorite books with...

Ramadan Mubarrak!

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Ramadan Mubarrak everyone! It might be quiet for a while (with the pending baby) but I’m still hoping to work on some more loosely put together lessons, crafts and fun learning experiences with the girls during recovery. If I come up with anything interesting – I will make a note of it and...

Encouraging a Younger Learner

Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I’m sure you’ve heard me ask – time and again it seems – how to keep my youngest from absolute boredom and from constantly disrupting our lessons with my oldest daughter. It has not been easy – I have tried everything – from playdough, coloring, her own “workbook” etc., but she constantly disrupts...