Book Recommendations

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
As I’m sure you’ve heard before – we are voracious readers in our house (at least I am and the kids are following suit, insha’Allah). Since we have been visiting the library mostly on a weekly basis – practically since the girls were born – I thought I’d share my favorite books with you. Perhaps you will find some you enjoy – and perhaps others you won’t care for. However, insha’Allah it will be a nice journey for you and your family.
I have recently been reading alot about homeschooling – methods, styles, materials – also about learning styles and teaching styles. So, I thought I’d take the opportunity to share with you my recent finds and recommendations. I have found many books that have been recommended to be just horrible (or at least not on track with what my vision of homeschooling is) so I thought I could at least share those that were helpful and enlightening, insha’Allah. To find my homeschooling book recommendations, click here (or on the menu above, click on Favorite Homeschooling Books).
For the children’s books that we have read, I have also set up a page of recommendations. My children are 5 and 3 – so take this into consideration (these are not recommendations for older children). However, all the books listed here have been and continue to be my children’s favorites. Insha’Allah you will find some your children will enjoy. To find my book recommendations, look at the top of the blog page – and click on Favorite Children’s Books.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA
Eid Mubarak and thanks for the book recommendations. I loved that Good Night Gorilla book, though i haven’t read any of those homeschooling books. A lot of people say to read the Well Trained Mind, do you think it is necessary? How is the little bundle doing?