Asalaam 'Alaikum: Just thought I'd take the opportunity to say sorry to those of you who are waiting on the Arabic Bingo game. I've been waiting on my husband to get me the software downloaded to get everything put on the website. However, in the mean time – not only has he had to work...
by admin · Published May 21, 2006
· Last modified October 10, 2012
Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone: Our newest project has been the Arabic Alphabet Bingo Game. While I made it a while ago, it has sat on the shelf. Well, we finally broke it out and played a few games. Don’t tell the kids – they think they are having fun. My kids still struggle with quite a...
by admin · Published May 20, 2006
· Last modified October 10, 2012
Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Here are some additional ideas for using the Arabic Moveable Alphabet with your child – I am sure I will come up with more in the future. 1. Scramble the letters up and have your child place them in alphabetical order on the floor. 2. Put two letters together (missing a letter in...
by admin · Published May 15, 2006
· Last modified October 10, 2012
Asalaam’ Alaikum: I can’t believe how many projects I started a long time ago and I’m now finally able to complete them, alhumdulilah. Finally, a sense of accomplishment! This is one of those projects I started a while ago, but didn’t complete until now – Arabic Letter Magnets. For directions and a free template for...
by admin · Published May 13, 2006
· Last modified April 12, 2010
Asalaam 'Alaikum: Note: I am also going to post this under "Arabic Learning Materials." I have found several things in my search that work well with both English and Arabic learning. If you have an Arabic speaker in the house, they could easily translate these short stories and use them to learn Arabic Math Skills. Or,...
by admin · Published May 10, 2006
· Last modified April 12, 2010
Asalaam 'Alaikum: While doing "research" for my "Allah Made Hands" project I found some resource materials that I think could be helpful to someone or at least interesting. I originally decided to teach the children American Sign Language or at least just overview it as part of our project – then I came upon something...