How to Keep a Toddler or Preschool Age Child Busy While Homeschooling Other Children

Asalaam ‘Alaikum:
For those of you who visit this blog frequently, you most likely already know about the information in this post. For those of you who are new to this blog – welcome!
In the past few weeks I have written several posts about keeping a toddler or preschool age child busy while you are homeschooling other children. It is not always easy – but you can actually keep them interested with different activities that don’t always take all of your time. This way you can devote attention to your older children – and keep your younger child happy as well. Insha’Allah you will find benefit in these posts – and for those of you who are new to the blog – I have decided to list here the different posts related to this topic to make it easier for you to find them.
Keeping a Younger Child Busy (and Happy) While Homeschooling
Ways to Keep a Younger Child Busy While Homeschooling
Coloring & Cutting Fun for the Young Homeschooled Child
Arts & Crafts and Fun Outdoors for the Young Homeschooled Child
Imaginative Play and Using Manipulatives with the Young Homeschooled Child
Fun with Puzzles, Books, and Building Blocks for the Young Homeschooled Child
Playing Games and Montessori Learning for the Young Homeschooled Child
Motor Skills Development & Miscellaneous Activities for the Young Homeschooled Child
Insha’Allah you and your family will benefit from this information. If you do – please share – let your friends online and offline know about them!
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAA
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,
This is an excellent website Masha Allah. You have done a woderful job in addressing many issues which a mother may feel anxious with when thinking of homschooling!
Jazakillah khayran for the links.
i really appreciate this info sis, jazaakiALlaahu khairan. I will get to reading these links InshaaAllaah.