Ramadan Mubarak Everyone!

Asalaam ‘Alaikum Everyone:
Ramadan Mubarak – may all of you and your families have a very blessed Ramadan – filled with growth, learning, and striving in the way of Allah.
May Allah reward you and bless you and your families with Knowledge, Peace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Certainty of Faith, and a good life now and in the Akhira.
I’m sorry it has been so quiet here – things have been quite busy this year. Aside from having to adjust to having another baby around the house (and making lots of messes, masha’Allah) – we have had an especially difficult year due to our school. It’s a long story – and once Ramadan is over, insha’Allah – I am going to share my input on that – in the hope that it will help you decide if an online school is for you. I must admit – I don’t think all online schools are alike.
Alhumdulilah – though – we were fortunate enough to find a much better online school – so insha’Allah it will be a little easier on us this coming year. I was hoping to post more this summer – but so far things have been abnormal (part of which is the fault of crazy school requirements and also getting registered and tested for the new school). We also started out the summer doing some much needed Spring Cleaning – since we were so busy with school all year – we had a lot to make up for. Subhan’Allah! Once that was complete – we took a short trip to California and everyone got sick on the way back. We are still sick (have been for 3 weeks now) – but Alhumdulilah – we are getting better.
So, that is all the excitement that is going on over here (in much shortened fashion – didn’t think I could do it, did you?) I am going to be posting a few things to the blog this weekend, insha’Allah – so keep posted. It will be worth checking back for, insha’Allah.
Asalaam ‘Alaikum,
Sumayyah Umm SAAK
Salam, ramadan mubarak to you also 🙂