Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Well, since I have found that my oldest is more of a tactile / hands-on learner, I decided to make different learning materials to help her be more familiar with different words and letters. So, I created some cards based on “Classified Cards” for the Montessori Method but altered my expectations of how...
by admin · Published May 20, 2006
· Last modified October 10, 2012
Asalaam ‘Alaikum: Here are some additional ideas for using the Arabic Moveable Alphabet with your child – I am sure I will come up with more in the future. 1. Scramble the letters up and have your child place them in alphabetical order on the floor. 2. Put two letters together (missing a letter in...
by admin · Published May 9, 2006
· Last modified April 14, 2010
Asalaam ‘Alaikum: I just recently finished another Arabic Project: the Arabic Moveable Alphabet. Like the Sandpaper Letters, this project is based on the Montessori Method for English. PURPOSE: To prepare for spelling, writing and reading. MATERIALS NEEDED: A large box with spaces for letters of the alphabet. The boxes contain several copies of the letters...
by admin · Published May 9, 2006
· Last modified April 14, 2010
Asalaam’ Alaikum : I finally finished my long-awaited project: Arabic Sandpaper Letters (for a larger picture, click on the image above). It took me quite a long time because I have carpal-tunnel in both hands so it slowed me down quite a bit (yes, you have to cut out all of the shapes of the...